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The Reformed Church of Cortlandtown is a fellowship called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the very presence of Jesus Christ in the world.  Our congregation is a melting pot of people from many faith backgrounds who want to experience a continuously evolving relationship with God in all God’s forms.

All who are challenged by faith and desire a deeper understanding of and relationship with God are invited to worship with us. We look forward to meeting you!

Our Mission


As a diverse church family in a changing world, we strive to provide spiritual nourishment and Christian fellowship.


We offer a safe haven for all those seeking a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.


In acknowledging God's love for us, we reach out to the community in loving service.




To view our current and past monthly newsletters, click here or subscribe below:


Worship Services

Our Sunday Services is Streamed live via Zoom

Zoom Meeting ID:  858 4738 3936

Password:  593483


Recurring Streaming Link:










"Real generosity toward the future, lies in giving all to the present" - Albert Camus. Help preserve the heritage of the past and the promise of the future by donating to the Reformed Church of Cortlandtown. Your gift can can be added to our general fund, or you can designate a specific program that you would like to support. Read More

Amount:   USD




© 2012 REFORMED CHURCH OF CORTLANDTOWN (914) 737-6482 • 2124 ALBANY POST RD., MONTROSE, NY 10548 | Site design: Presentation Multimedia